The Oakes Firm charges a contingency fee to handle your case. This is the ideal situation for you. We pay all the costs associated with your lawsuit without you ever having to put up a penny of your own money. In exchange, we receive a fee - usually between 33% and 40% - of your overall settlement or trial proceeds, plus the costs we fronted on your behalf. In the event that you do not settle or win at trial, you owe us nothing. In other words, your attorney gets paid only if you win.
When you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, there is no reason why you shouldn’t consult with a top-rated personal injury attorney from The Oakes Firm if you or a loved one have been injured or worse.
By way of example, here is a potential break down of how a one-million-dollar settlement would funnel down to you:

In general, personal physical injuries are not taxed by the federal government. This will be explored in another blog article so stay tuned!